Tuesday, March 17, 2020

pros of self-quarantine

Hi friends! How are you doing in the land of unknown? We’re hanging in there and only on day 4 of self quarantine. It’s very surreal not having an end point and feeling like you’re constantly holding your breath. For now, we’re taking it day by day, spending as much time outside as we can, and trying to find fun things to do with the kiddos.

This post is going to be a bit all over the place, but I wanted to share some of the pros of this whole situation, my game plan for being home with the kids for weeks, and how we can help others and small businesses during this time. Please know that I’m so grateful that you’re hanging out with me over here. I love that even during social distancing, we can still connect in this way. We’re all in this together and please know that I’m here if you ever want to chat or vent. (I love sending IG voice messages!)

Pros of self quarantine:

(I have to leave a note here and acknowledge the fact that I have it pretty cushy in the sense that I’m able to work from home. I know that others are in extremely difficult situations as businesses continue to close, jobs are lost, those in the medical field struggle to find childcare as schools close, and it’s just tough times all around. This all weighs extremely heavily on my heart and I’m sending love to everyone going through a hard time. Here’s my attempt to focus a little on the positive side of a horrible situation.)

– No need to make awkward conversation or small talk. You see someone while you’re out on a walk and a simple “Hi” and a wave will do.

– NO REAL CLOTHES OR MAKEUP. I love putting together cute outfits and wearing makeup (ps my fave is 10% off the site right now! Check out the Color Intense lipstick, the Countertime collection, and overnight peel). It’s been so easy to just wear athletic clothes and throw on a baseball cap.

– The opportunity to catch up on things around the house that we never have time to do. So far, we’ve organized the weird tupperware container cabinet (we all have one of those, right?), the garage (!), and did a full day of yard work. I replanted my lil veggie garden and I’m so excited for greens to grow.

– Quality time with the kiddos. This has made me realize how much time we spend racing around to school, extra-curricular activities and appointments. With all of those wiped from our calendar, we’ve had so much more time to PLAY and hang out together. I’ve never ever thought of myself as a homeschool-type person (especially since the girls have such incredible teachers!) but I can absolutely see the draw. I LOVE having them home. (Check back with me a week from now and we’ll see how I’m feeling about that lol.)

– Time to read. I always save reading for just before bed, and reading during the day has felt like pure luxury.

– No alarm clock. Praise the lord! I may or may not have slept until 8am every day and it.is.awesome.

As far as what we’re going to do on the school front, here’s my plan + some resources I’m using:

– Liv’s school was on spring break this week, so I’m treating it like spring break. We’re just having fun and catching up on things around the house and I feel like I can use it as a chance to get my life together for next week. Her school is switching to online learning starting next week, so I’ll likely use the suggestions and resources they provide.

– At the same time, the girls thrive on routine, so I’ll set up a loose schedule. I’m not sure what it will look like yet, but it will include time for art, music, academics, Spanish, play outside, indoor play, and screen time (that will be when I get in my own workout). Instead of like school, I’m treating it more like camp. We’ll have a routine to follow, but if things don’t go according to plan, it’s NBD. We’re all in survival mode over here.

– We’re taking advantage of the learning resources so many companies have generously provided during this weird time.

Here are some faves:

* Daily art lessons with Mo Willems, the girls’ favorite author

* Accidental homeschoolers Facebook group

* Educational companies offering free subscriptions

* Busy Toddler! I’ve been using her ideas for sensory play for the kids

* We can listen to some of our favorite celebrities read children’s books

* Cosmic Kids Yoga (the girls LOVE this) and Just Dance on YouTube

* My friend Brittany put together a comprehensive list of homeschool resources in this post

* Virtual museum tours

With everything going on, many of us are wondering how we can help.

Here are some of the suggestions I’ve come across. This list isn’t very long, and if you have ideas or suggestions, please leave them in the comments section below!

– STAY THE HECK HOME. Even if you don’t feel like you could become infected, you could unknowingly pass the virus onto someone else. If you need more convincing, watch this video. Yes, it’s hard and sad to cancel vacations and events, but it’s necessary to protect the vulnerable. We can always reschedule these things for later.

– Check on your elderly neighbors who may need extra supplies or support. Even if it means leaving something on the porch for them, it can genuinely help.

– While you’re purchasing food for yourself and your family, consider donating to your local food back if you have the means to do so.

– Try to support local and small businesses however you can. Buy a gift card from your favorite theatre or restaurant to use at a later date. If you’re surrounded by closures, use this time to leave Yelp or Google reviews for your favorite spots.

If you have any additional ideas, please share!

If you feel anxious and overwhelmed, I’m there with ya. Let’s just take it day by day and support each other however we can. <3 Check out my IG stories for home workout ideas during this crazy time, too!

Thanks for checking in today and I’ll see ya tomorrow.



The post pros of self-quarantine appeared first on The Fitnessista.

Via Health & Wellness http://www.rssmix.com/

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