Friday, October 1, 2021

Friday Faves

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? I’m looking forward to sushi with some friends, an event for the girls’ school, and ALL the fall decorating. I wanted to drag everything out this past week, but didn’t end up getting the chance. Also, it makes me laugh to scroll Instagram and see pics of towering REAL pumpkins on doorsteps. They would last about 5 minutes here until the javelinas excitedly swarmed their pumpkin buffet.

(Always the fake outdoor pumpkins. I painted that one years ago and I’m surprised how long it’s lasted!)

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some faves from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments below!

Fitness + good eats:

Fit Team beta tester feedback! The feedback for the Fit Team workouts has been SO amazing and we wrapped up Beta testing this week.

Here’s what some friends had to say:

I’ll be opening up spots for Fit Team next week, so stay tuned for more details. It will be the last time I open enrollment for 2021. If you want first dibs and a special bonus for signing up (free macro guide) – make sure you’re on the wait list here.

I’ve been doing the Fit Team SQUATOBER workouts (my legs are sore lol) and can’t wait to hear what you think about them. 🙂

(bike shorts are here! These are the best ones for quality and fit that I’ve found)

Food-wise, I feel like my cooking mojo has finally returned. I’ve made dinner most nights this week and also ordered Dreena Burton’s newest cookbook, Dreena’s Kind Kitchen. She’s one of my very faves, so I’m pumped to try some new recipes! Everything is vegan and I love that she uses whole-food ingredients in her recipes. The kids tend to love them, too!

You need these pumpkin spice protein balls in your life

Made this short rib ragù this past week with gluten-free gnocchi and it.was.awesome.

Smoky red lentil soup with spinach

Full fall fitness plan

Whole wheat pumpkin muffins

Fashion + beauty:

FREE SHIPPING for the entire month on orders over $50. This has never been done before for an entire month!! Here is my link to check it out and a post with my Beautycounter faves here.

(Always the peel and the All Bright C Serum)

Sweater weather! Love this slouchy one.

Ideas for your fall 2021 wardrobe are here!

Read, watch, listen:

Latest podcast episode with Esther Blum is here

This return of Broadway medley. Major chills.

We’ve been watching the Harry Potter movies with the girls. We’re halfway through #4 but I’m wondering if it’s going to get too scary for them! I’ve read mixed reviews online. Anyone with kiddos similar ages that can share their experience? They keep begging to finish them but I don’t want them to have nightmares.

Do you and your partner have a song?

If it brings you joy, it’s not “wasting time.”

Happy Friday!!



The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.

Via Health & Wellness

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