Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Happy birthday, P

Our baby is 6 and for some reason, 6 is hitting SO much harder than 5. She truly feels like a big kid now, and I’m constantly in this mode of wanting to freeze time while simultaneously loving to see these babies grow into such amazing and fun kids.

Some things about our now 6-year old:

– She’s always ready for a snuggle, and I call her my baby koala. If I had a pouch, she’d let me carry her around in there all day… and I would love it.

– She’s our little engineer and can build or create anything. It’s not unusual for her to have tape, scissors, glue, and paper, crafting or making some type of contraption, or building elaborate Lego sets. When she’s in Lego mode, I can’t even go near her until she’s gone through the entire book and built the whole thing by herself.

– Our little comedian; she’s constantly cracking us up with silly voices and facial expressions. Her Zingo victory dance is a gold star, let me tell ya.

– Her favorite foods are avocado toast, poke bowls, scrambled eggs, and sushi.

– This kid is full of hip hop dance moves, soccer dribbling, and can ride a horse better than most kids twice her age. She loves animals and they always seem to love her back.

– She has such inherent goodness in her heart and is always bursting with joy. The first 6 months her life were filled with the most painful and horrifying reflux, and we think that once she realized how great she feels when she doesn’t have reflux, she’s been the happiest little goose ever since.

– She’s super smart and very silly… and watching her and Liv play together is one of my favorite favorite things.

We had her birthday party this weekend (on the Pilot’s actual birthday… sorry Pilot haha) and are celebrating her all day today šŸ™‚ Her party was at TRAK (horse rides, petting zoo, face painter) and we had a blast celebrating with friends and family. It was a double celebration, because the Pilot’s birthday dinner was at our house later that evening. For dinner tonight, she requested, “The place where they light the table on fire and cook your food” so that’s where we’ll be. šŸ˜‰

Have a lovely day, friends! I’ll see ya in the am with a full post on my experience using Nutrisense.



P’s birth story is here. Reading it for a good cry today <3

The post Happy birthday, P appeared first on The Fitnessista.

Via Health & Wellness http://www.rssmix.com/

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